Leave a Legacy: Designate it for Enchanted Hills Camp

Did you know that you can specify a planned gift such as a bequest to a particular LightHouse program, such as Enchanted Hills Camp? The LightHouse is able to operate our extraordinary camp in large part because of people like you who have remembered the camp in their will or estate planning. And we’re excited about what magic will be happening in the next 63 years, as well as in the next 63 days.

The 2013 camp season has already begun and this year we’ve extended the camp season to fit in even more transformative sessions of camp for the blind and visually impaired. We launched the season with a group of blind high school students at our Transition Summit, where they learned key leadership skills which will help them through college and advance in their careers.

Then we hosted a session of Chemistry Camp where blind teenagers came to learn hands-on chemistry. Chemistry Camp is led by Hoby Wedler, a blind chemist who was honored by President Obama last year for his accomplishments in science. KQED did a radio piece on the camp entitled, Chemistry by Smell. You can listen to it here.

Hoby thinks science is an ideal career path for the visually impaired. As he says, “No one can see an atom. You have to conceive of an atom.”

And we are looking forward to the remainder of the camp season, with three more family camps, youth camp, teen camp, alumni session (where many of the adult campers attended as children over 50 years ago!) and camp for those with special needs. We are especially excited about the return of the Deaf-Blind session in August, providing a bonding and relaxing retreat for a population that rarely gets a chance to swim, dance and hang around the campfire as a community.

You can be instrumental in making the magic of Enchanted Hills Camp happen, not just for this summer, but for magic summers deep into the 21st Century. A planned gift for Enchanted Hills helps us have the financial stability to provide unparalleled learning, adventure and relaxation for blind and low vision people of all ages. Enchanted Hills changes lives. At camp people meet mentors, they make friends, sometimes they find love. Won’t you take a moment to make a planned gift to Enchanted Hills Camp to sustain EHC for years to come?

We can help. If you need simple ways to modify your will, or to designate Enchanted Hills Camp for your later giving, we can connect you with other friends of the camp, such as estate attorneys, who have helped us for years. And if you already have designated Enchanted Hills in your will or IRA, we’d love to know about it. For more information or to notify us of your intentions, contact Jennifer at 415-694-7333 or jsachs@lighthouse-sf.org.

Campers in canoe on Lake Lakoya