LightHouse Walks the Walk for White Cane Awareness Day

LightHouse clients and staff have a great time and make a statement at the same time on White Cane Awareness Day.

On October 15th over 30 blind and low-vision San Francisco LightHouse clients joined LightHouse staff and volunteers to celebrate White Cane Awareness Day with a lively walk around City Hall and post-walk party in the “Please Touch Community Garden.” Both participants and onlookers were seen sporting ear-to-ear grins as white cane users took to the sunny streets of San Francisco, canes and signs in hand, as a friendly reminder to the public of just how important the white cane is to a blind person’s independence, equality, and personal safety.

Established in 1964, White Cane Awareness Day is a national observance celebrated each year on October 15. It honors the many achievements of blind and low vision individuals, as well as the symbol of the white cane as a signifier of blindness and as an essential tool for independence. In 2011, White Cane Awareness Day was also named Blind Americans Equality Day by President Barack Obama.LightHouse White Cane Awareness Day participants line the stairs of San Francisco City Hall in a show of unity, action, and pride.


LightHouse Information and Referral Specialist Frank Welte reminds the public that a white cane equals equality.