New Emphasis on Small Group Learning Makes for Success and Fun

The LightHouse has developed a program of Cohort-Based training for small groups of blind or low vision students so they can take the skills training journey together and stay connected when classes are done.

Webster defines “cohort” as a group of people banded together – working together as a group. LightHouse students that take classes as part of a cohort experience an atmosphere of support, learning and pure enjoyment.

Students in the cohort begin their journey with group training in the following core classes:

  • Changing Vision, Changing Life
  • Touch Typing for Technology
  • Cooking Basics

In addition, each cohort member receives personalized individual Orientation and Mobility Training.

Over a period of two to three months, cohort peers receive training from our experienced instructors and guest mentors. They also learn from and support each other – they become kindred spirits for success in learning new skills, creating a community, embracing change and moving forward.

We began developing cohort training at the LightHouse because we realized that many times people who need blind-skills training are often too busy to make the multi-month time commitment offered by residential training programs. The LightHouse’s open-style cohort training provides flexibility for those who have additional responsibilities in their lives, such as work and taking care of their families.

To learn more, contact Debbie Bacon, Rehabilitation Counselor at 415-694-7357 or

Cohort meets with the librarian at the Talking Book Library (at the Main Library in San Francisco) to discuss their services – from left to right, Talking Book Library librarian, Cohort members Marie Vuong, Greg Robinson, Cyndy Herrera, Gail McGaster, Tuesday Burright

Cooking Basics instructor Dave Baioni teaches student Tuesday Burright the finer points of chopping garlic

One thought on “New Emphasis on Small Group Learning Makes for Success and Fun”

  1. Don’t cut Medicare or raise
    its eligibility age from 65. Don’t cut Medicaid. Don’t cut Social Security or raise
    the retirement age.

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