Join Us Saturday for Our Monthly Yoga Workshop: ‘Inhabit Now, Now’

Make your reservation for a pre-holiday yoga workshop this Saturday with instructor Nancy Yates.

Traditionally, holidays signaled a time for connection with loved ones….a moment to ritualistically pause and enjoy each other and the gifts that love provides. Today, in the midst of the collective “commercialization and restlessness” it is challenging to just pause and inhabit calm.

Whatever your holiday experience is, this afternoon is designed to “Inhabit Now, Now” with awareness while we are playfully stretching, breathing, opening and moving into the rhythm of now.

Join us for a wonderful workshop of stretching and breathing, calm and freedom.

When: Saturday, December 17, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Where: LightHouse San Francisco Headquarters, 214 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco

For more information, contact Brandon Young at 415-694-7372 or