Changing Vision Changing Life at Earle Baum Center (in-person)

Changing Vision Changing Life at Earle Baum Center (in-person)

Oct 2

Earle Baum Center
4539 Occidental Rd, Santa Rosa

The Changing Vision Changing Life (CVCL) in-person class at Earle Baum Center provides comprehensive information about living with vision loss, while also providing the opportunity to meet others experiencing the same thing. A family member, caregiver, or close friend is also welcome to attend the class, to obtain a greater understanding and be part of the support team. Come to this class and get started. Open the door to your new life!

This is a four-week course that will meet once per week, starting at 10:00 am at 2:00 pm. with two 5 minute breaks and one 20 minute break for lunch. The class is geared for both individuals who are experiencing recent vision loss as well as those who desire a review of information. Each week covers an overview of different topics related to the services, equipment, and adaptive methods for a greater sense of independence. Topics include: transportation and travel skills, managing home life with methods for reading, pouring liquids, and use of adaptive technology, social-recreational programs and equipment, and much more.

All students participating in this class must have completed a new student orientation and baseline assessments. If you have not completed these steps, please call us at 415-694-7323. If you have completed both requirements, please email Denise Vancil at to RSVP.

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