
LightHouse will be closed on Wednesday, September 25 for an agency-wide all-staff event.

Events in October 2021

  • Employment Immersion September Virtual Workshop

    Employment Immersion September Virtual Workshop

    Oct 1

    September's workshop runs from September 6 to October 1, weekdays

    There IS a job market! Job seekers who are blind and have low vision are in demand to work remotely. Let LightHouse support you on your pathway to employment in these challenging times.

    Our award-winning Employment Immersion program is now available virtually. Now is the time to join us via the Zoom conferencing platform. The program begins the first Monday of every month and runs each weekday. This comprehensive month-long training is specifically designed for people who are blind and have low vision. We are committed to providing group and individual guidance from the fundamentals of job search, to the complexities of disclosure of one’s disability with pride and confidence, to instruction on job search techniques, to honing interview skills. Most importantly, this program focuses on the participant’s individual job goals.

    To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please contact the team through email:

    Post-CVCL Meetup

    Post-CVCL Meetup

    Oct 1

    Changing Vision Changing Life (CVCL) is for those who are new to blindness or having low vision and want to get a full overview of the essential training that will be beneficial for work, home, school and life. Students will be with a cohort of up to ten peers. CVCL starts with a day of thinking and grows into a week of learning, connecting and doing. This one-week course runs every day with all classes on Zoom.

    In addition to the week of training, there will be an Orientation Session Friday, September 17 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and a follow-up meetup on Friday October 1, from 10:00 am to noon after the conclusion of the course. During the training week of September 20 to 24, there are three, two-hour learning sessions every day. Each day of training begins at 10:00 am and ends at 5:00 pm with breaks for lunch and dinner. The exception is Friday, September 24 which begins at 9:30 am and ends at 1:00 pm. Time for student discussion and other relevant topics will be facilitated Monday through Thursday after each afternoon class. Optional chair yoga will be available Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 9:45 am to get your day started.

    This week-long course is designed for adults who desire a deep introduction to independent living through travel (Orientation & Mobility), Access Technology, and Independent Living Skills and who also want a venue to have rich discussion with peers and our professional staff about the opportunity and choices that are ahead. Everyone will receive a packet of materials to enhance learning throughout the week and we will end the week with a morning cooking session (in students’ own kitchens) and lunch together.

    Because one of the main purposes of this course is to connect with others who are new to being blind or having low vision, we request that all students make a commitment to participate in all sessions including the CVCL Orientation and CVCL Post-Course Meetup. Please note, you do not have to have a computer to participate via Zoom, but you must have a reliable speaker phone (smart phone or landline) to participate and call in. Our tech trainer will provide training before the course to make the Zoom experience smooth.


    The fee to participate in this training is $825 and $140 for course materials that will be sent to you prior to September 20. Here are options to pay for the course if you are a consumer of Vocational Rehabilitation or 55 or older.

    If you are a consumer of Vocational Rehabilitation, in California or any other state, you will need an authorization from your Rehabilitation Counselor to participate in CVCL.

    If you are not with Vocational Rehabilitation and you are age 55 and older, and living in the counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Humboldt, Del Norte or Trinity, there may be partial scholarship funding for training and course materials.

    CVCL Full Schedule

    CVCL Orientation Session: Friday, September 17 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
    CVCL: Monday, September 20 through Thursday September 23 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Friday, September 24 from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm
    CVCL Optional Morning Chair Yoga: Tuesday, September 21 through Thursday, September 23 from 9:00 am top 9:45 am
    Post-CVCL Meetup: Friday October 1, from 10:00 am to noon

    Registration is required and the deadline to register is Tuesday, September 14, 2021. To register, please contact Debbie Bacon at or 415-694-7357 or Janet Pomerantz (Humboldt, Trinity and Del Norte residents) at or 707-268-5646.

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils

    Oct 1

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils
    Friday evenings @ 8:00 pm

    We all need an escape at times, and with the Real Escape Audio Description Club you can do just that with your blind and low vision friends. After a summer break and some adjustment to when our club gathers, we are excited announce our fall 2021 program options for the many ages of youth we work with. Starting on Friday, September 3rd, teens, and young adults will gather to watch the Netflix series, Daredevil, a TV series about a blind attorney by day and vigilante by night. Our weekly gathering will start at 8:00 pm Friday evenings, leaving plenty of time to watch that week’s episode and connect with your EHC and LightHouse friends.

    ***Parents Please Note*** – the Daredevil TV Series has adult content and is rated TV-MA and contains the following: crude indecent language (L), explicit sexual activity (S), and graphic violence (V). A more detailed parental guide can be found at - If any youth under the age of 18 wish to join this series, they must have a parent or guardian contact a LightHouse youth team member with written permission for their child to participate.

    Who: older teens and young adults that are blind or low vision
    What: audio description media club via Zoom
    When: Friday evenings @ 8:00 pm (Daredevil series for teens and young adults)
    Where: anywhere you can access a zoom meeting
    RSVP: Zoom meeting information will be shared with those that RSVP by 5:00 pm of the day before the program

    If you are interested in signing up for the Reel Escape Audio Description Club, please contact Jamey Gump by email at or by phone at (415) 694-7372.

  • Harry Potter Club

    Harry Potter Club

    Oct 2

    Grab your wands, cauldrons, and your Harry Potter knowledge and join your Lighthouse friends for our new student driven Harry Potter Club. This monthly gathering of happy Harry Potter enthusiasts will gather during the afternoon of the first Saturday of each month for all sorts of Harry Potter awesomeness.

    In January we will start the club off right with a kick-off party!  Where we will learn more about our Harry Potter friends by taking part in some house sorting and house competitions. Followed by a presentation from our friends at the Talking Books and Braille Center at the San Francisco Public Library about one way you might be able to access the Harry Potter book series. In February we will start watching the Harry Potter movie series and compare each of the movies and books in order. We will continue in this fashion with another installment of the Harry Potter series each month with a short break for summer. To best prepare for each month’s program we ask that you read the corresponding book before we watch the movie.

    Don’t have the book?  Don’t worry! There are options. First is the NLS free braille and talking book library service. If you are not signed up with the NLS please start the process at may also subscribe to Learning Ally, who has audio versions of all the Harry Potter books. To create an account with Learning Ally, please visit - Join us for the kick-off event in December to learn more and ask questions.

    2021 Dates

    January 2 – Club Kick-off Party!

    February 6 – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)

    March 6 – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

    April 3  – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

    May 1  – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

    June, July & August – Summer Break

    September 4th – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)

    October 2 – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

    November 6 – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)

    December 4 – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)

    Who: Blind and low vision youth from all over that are under 18 or that are still in high school. Families should be aware the Harry Potter Books are for youth that are at least in 5th or 6th grade, however a couple of the Harry Potter movies are rated PG-13 and may not be appropriate for all.

    What: Harry Potter book and audio description movie club

    When: 1:00 pm of the first Saturday of the month (see dates above)

    Where: anywhere you can access a zoom meeting

    RSVP: Zoom meeting information will be shared with those that RSVP by 5:00 pm of the day before the program

    Parents & Guardians: we’d love your help getting your children connected to our virtual program, however, once they have joined, we ask that you please give them the space to participate individually.

    Anti-Discrimination Statement: LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired does not support discriminatory or hateful speech in any form. We stand by the LGBTQ+ community and all fans who found a home in the Harry Potter series and will work to provide a safe space for fans.

    If you are interested in signing up for the Harry Potter Club, please contact Jamey Gump by email at or by phone at 415-694-7372.

  • Get Moving

    Get Moving

    Oct 5

    Get Moving is a 4 week O&M training that consists of 8 separate classes, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays October 5 through 28 from 10 AM to 12 PM PST. This is a course that teaches foundational mobility skills and concepts for people with low vision and blindness. Each classes will be conducted by video or by phone using the Zoom Online Platform. Classes will be taught by Chris Williams and Danette Davis.

    To register for this course, please contact Chris Williams at Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 28.

    Tech Together Online

    Tech Together Online

    Oct 5

    October 5: Smart Speakers: Setup and Basics
    If you're an access technology user, you likely spend lots of time listening to machines. Today, let's talk about talking to smart speakers. We'll cover setup and configuration of smart speakers featuring Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant, and share some ways all three can help you get things done.

    RSVP to Smart Speakers: Setup and Basics

    October 12: Smart Speakers: Next Steps
    After last week's introduction to Siri, Alexa and Google, let's take a deeper dive into each smart speaker’s skills. We'll share the tasks that each virtual assistant performs the best. All three have their strengths and struggle points, but which one will be the winner for you?

    RSVP to Smart Speakers: Next Steps

    October 19: Intro to Access Technology
    What is accessible technology and how do we learn to use it? If you, a friend or family member are a person who is new to blindness or having low vision, or new to using access technology tools, this event is for you.We’ll demonstrate how you can use mainstream tools like smartphones, voice assistants, and computers, as well as a few specialized gadgets for reading books and recording information at the touch of a button. We’ll talk about what services and resources are available for learning to use these tools, and we’ll give some tips for friends and family members who want to be supportive of the learning process.

    RSVP to Intro to Access Technology

    October 26: Meet the Access Technology Team
    Following our discussion in which we introduced access technology, let’s take a look at the people behind the machines. Each trainer will discuss their favorite device or software that they teach, their favorite productivity tool, and their favorite app for entertainment.

    RSVP to Meet the Access Technology Team

  • Get Moving

    Get Moving

    Oct 7

    Get Moving is a 4 week O&M training that consists of 8 separate classes, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays October 5 through 28 from 10 AM to 12 PM PST. This is a course that teaches foundational mobility skills and concepts for people with low vision and blindness. Each classes will be conducted by video or by phone using the Zoom Online Platform. Classes will be taught by Chris Williams and Danette Davis.

    To register for this course, please contact Chris Williams at Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 28.

    Tecnología para Todos

    Tecnología para Todos

    Oct 7

    Únete a la reunión mensual del departamento de Tecnologías de Asistencia de LightHouse. Tecnología para Todos, es un espacio en donde los usuarios comparten sus conocimientos y experiencias. Cada mes conversamos sobre distintos servicios, aplicaciones y dispositivos disponibles para personas ciegas y con baja visión. ¡Te esperamos!

    Fecha: Octubre 7 y 21

    Hora: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, tiempo del pacífico.

    Este evento será programado en la plataforma Zoom. Podrá acceder a Zoom desde una computadora, dispositivo móvil, o marcando directamente desde cualquier teléfono. Recibirá los datos de la reunión de Zoom al confirmar su participación mediante correo electrónico a: o dejando un mensaje de voz al (415) 694-7323.

    Join the LightHouse’s monthly access Technology Spanish meeting. Tecnología para todos is a space where users share their knowledge and experience. Each month, we talk about services, applications, and devices available for blind and low vision users.

    When: October 7 and 21

    Time: 2 - 4 PM Pacific Time

    This event will be conducted using the Zoom platform. You can connect to Zoom using a computer, an app, or by dialing in from any phone. Zoom meeting details will be provided when you rsvp by email to: or by calling 415-694-7323.

  • Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils

    Oct 8

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils
    Friday evenings @ 8:00 pm

    We all need an escape at times, and with the Real Escape Audio Description Club you can do just that with your blind and low vision friends. After a summer break and some adjustment to when our club gathers, we are excited announce our fall 2021 program options for the many ages of youth we work with. Starting on Friday, September 3rd, teens, and young adults will gather to watch the Netflix series, Daredevil, a TV series about a blind attorney by day and vigilante by night. Our weekly gathering will start at 8:00 pm Friday evenings, leaving plenty of time to watch that week’s episode and connect with your EHC and LightHouse friends.

    ***Parents Please Note*** – the Daredevil TV Series has adult content and is rated TV-MA and contains the following: crude indecent language (L), explicit sexual activity (S), and graphic violence (V). A more detailed parental guide can be found at - If any youth under the age of 18 wish to join this series, they must have a parent or guardian contact a LightHouse youth team member with written permission for their child to participate.

    Who: older teens and young adults that are blind or low vision
    What: audio description media club via Zoom
    When: Friday evenings @ 8:00 pm (Daredevil series for teens and young adults)
    Where: anywhere you can access a zoom meeting
    RSVP: Zoom meeting information will be shared with those that RSVP by 5:00 pm of the day before the program

    If you are interested in signing up for the Reel Escape Audio Description Club, please contact Jamey Gump by email at or by phone at (415) 694-7372.

  • Cooking Creates Community

    Cooking Creates Community

    Oct 9

    Cooking Creates Community
    Second Saturday of the month at 1:00 pm

    Starting in the fall of 2021, the LightHouse Youth Program will be hosting a new series called Cooking Creates Community. This monthly virtual cooking lesson and conversation will be led by LightHouse staff and a rotating guest mentor that is blind or low vision and who has a passion for cooking, baking or anything food related. This class will be a chance for blind and low vision students to learn some basic independent cooking skills at home from cool mentors that may have invaluable wisdom to share about questions students might have, all wile connecting with peers and deepening the connections to their blind and low vision communities both near and far.

    Our Cooking Creates Community series will run between an hour and an hour and a half starting at 1:00 pm on the second Saturday of the month. Those that sign-up for the program will be sent via email the list of equipment, supplies, recipes, and the zoom link they will be using for the program. If students can sign up by the 4th of each month LightHouse will mail the ingredients for that month’s recipe to their home.

    In October Dr. Hoby Wedler, will kick of the program by sharing his secrets to the best mashed potatoes. By walking us all through his simple recipe and a conversation about how he chooses his seasonings we will make a dish that youth can add to most meals the family can enjoy. Each student that signs up will get cooking supplies as well as Hoby’s new line of seasoning, Happy Paprika, that they can try with this dish or others.

    Who: Middle and High School students that are blind or have low vision
    What: virtual cooking lesson and conversation led by blind and low vision mentors about how we get creative in the kitchen
    When: second Saturday of the month @ 1:00pm (October 9th, November 13th, and December 11th)
    Where: anywhere you can access a zoom meeting
    RSVP: for students those that RSVP at least one week prior to the program gathering will receive in the mail cooking supplies for that month’s recipes

    If you are interested in signing up for the Cooking Creates Community, please contact Jamey Gump by email at or by phone at (415) 694-7372.

    Polishing to Perfection: LightHouse Student Woodworkers Club

    Polishing to Perfection: LightHouse Student Woodworkers Club

    Oct 9

    Polishing to Perfection: LightHouse Student Woodworkers Club
    Second Saturday of the month @ 7:00 pm

    During the last few years of teen session at EHC, our youth have been lucky to have a group of wood workers inspire our campers to take up the hobby. In order to encourage youth to further their excitement around this craft, the LightHouse Youth Program will be hosting a monthly virtual wood polishing club. In addition to making space for EHC and LightHouse friends to connect while polishing wood into art, we will invite a woodworker who is blind or has low vision to join us and share their story and share wisdom with the next generation of artiest.

    Students that sign up for the program will receive the basic materials and equipment to get started with wood polishing. Those students that remain active in the program and improve their skill will become eligible for additional raw materials that they can turn into art or gifts for loved ones. The polishing party takes place on the second Saturday of the month at 7:00pm. Each gathering will have time dedicated to update others about their projects, learn a little about that month’s mentor, and most importantly have as much time as the evening will allow to hangout and polish with your blind and low vision friends.

    Who: teens and young adults that are blind or low vision
    What: virtual gathering space for young wood workers to connect with their EHC friends and other blind and low vision woodworkers from all over
    When: second Saturday of the month @ 7:00pm
    Where: anywhere you can access a zoom meeting
    RSVP: for students those that RSVP at least one week prior to the program gathering will receive in the mail cooking supplies for that month’s recipes

    If you are interested in signing up for the Polishing to Perfection: LightHouse Student Woodworkers Club, please contact Jamey Gump by email at or by phone at (415) 694-7372.

  • Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Oct 11

    The Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together course is composed of essential topics recommended for all participants who are new to low vision.

    Adults 55 and older, in addition to adult clients of all ages being served by the California Department of Rehabilitation, are invited to participate in a virtual six-session course geared towards learning about their changes in vision. Participants will learn practical ways to maximize successful, independent living skills in work, school, and daily living environments.

    The virtual course is divided into six lessons over three weeks: a 2.5-hour introductory lesson with a Low Vision Optometrist, Social Worker, and two Certified Low Vision Therapists, followed by five, 2.5-hour lessons which will include practical skills taught by the Certified Low Vision Therapists.

    It is a comprehensive skills training distance course introducing participants to foundational low vision concepts, skills, and current technologies for maximizing successful, independent daily living skills. After the virtual six-session course, participants can expect to feel more confident in using their vision and making changes in their environment for independent daily living skills. Thereafter, participants can be eligible for individualized Low Vision Therapy lessons.

    The classes will be taught via Zoom Video Conferencing, best viewed on a tablet, laptop, or computer (phone is not recommended for participation in this course due to small screen size for viewing class materials and resource options) at the following dates and times (Pacific Standard Time):

    Week 1: Monday, October 11 and Wednesday, October 13 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 2: Monday, October 18 and Wednesday, October 20 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 3: Monday, October 25 and Wednesday, October 27 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    If you are not with the California Department of Rehabilitation, and if you are age 55 and older, living in the counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity, there may be partial scholarship funding for training and course materials. For adults working with the California Department of Rehabilitation, please contact your Rehabilitation Counselor directly to discuss participation and referral.

    Please RSVP by Monday, September 27 to receive class materials in time for the first class on Monday, October 11. To register please contact Debbie Bacon at 415-694-7357 or Certified Low Vision Therapist, Gina di Grazia at The class is limited to ten students; once the class limit is reached, all other students will be placed on a waitlist for the next available class (date TBA).

  • Get Moving

    Get Moving

    Oct 12

    Get Moving is a 4 week O&M training that consists of 8 separate classes, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays October 5 through 28 from 10 AM to 12 PM PST. This is a course that teaches foundational mobility skills and concepts for people with low vision and blindness. Each classes will be conducted by video or by phone using the Zoom Online Platform. Classes will be taught by Chris Williams and Danette Davis.

    To register for this course, please contact Chris Williams at Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 28.

    Tech Together Online

    Tech Together Online

    Oct 12

    October 5: Smart Speakers: Setup and Basics
    If you're an access technology user, you likely spend lots of time listening to machines. Today, let's talk about talking to smart speakers. We'll cover setup and configuration of smart speakers featuring Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant, and share some ways all three can help you get things done.

    RSVP to Smart Speakers: Setup and Basics

    October 12: Smart Speakers: Next Steps
    After last week's introduction to Siri, Alexa and Google, let's take a deeper dive into each smart speaker’s skills. We'll share the tasks that each virtual assistant performs the best. All three have their strengths and struggle points, but which one will be the winner for you?

    RSVP to Smart Speakers: Next Steps

    October 19: Intro to Access Technology
    What is accessible technology and how do we learn to use it? If you, a friend or family member are a person who is new to blindness or having low vision, or new to using access technology tools, this event is for you.We’ll demonstrate how you can use mainstream tools like smartphones, voice assistants, and computers, as well as a few specialized gadgets for reading books and recording information at the touch of a button. We’ll talk about what services and resources are available for learning to use these tools, and we’ll give some tips for friends and family members who want to be supportive of the learning process.

    RSVP to Intro to Access Technology

    October 26: Meet the Access Technology Team
    Following our discussion in which we introduced access technology, let’s take a look at the people behind the machines. Each trainer will discuss their favorite device or software that they teach, their favorite productivity tool, and their favorite app for entertainment.

    RSVP to Meet the Access Technology Team

    College Spaces From Different Places

    College Spaces From Different Places

    Oct 12

    College Spaces From Different Places: Navigating Through College Life

    When: Tuesday, October 12 2021 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM

    This month the College Spaces team takes on the highly requested topic of orientation and mobility. Tips for confidently navigating through crowded universities, exploring surrounding college communities, and staying safe while doing it all. Join us this October when we’ll address all of this and more. Bring your questions, travel tips, and friends and be part of this exciting conversation!

    College Spaces from Different Places is a peer led student organization which cultivates connections and community for all undergraduate college students. College Spaces from Different Places is a group designed by and for low vision and blind students to have fun, build community, and share in our struggles and accomplishments. Many undergrads are currently missing out on forming social connections on their own college campus. Therefore, joining College Spaces from Different Places will give you an opportunity to come together with others from across the state. Leave your books and syllabi behind and join us!

    If you have any questions or would like to be part of future College Spaces from Different Places gatherings, contact Daisy Soto or call 415-694-7328To learn more. Please RSVP by October 8, 2021 to receive the Zoom link.

    NOTE: The Zoom link to join will be distributed the morning of the meetup. All blind/low vision college students are welcome, and you DO NOT need any authorizations from the DOR to join.

  • Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Oct 13

    The Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together course is composed of essential topics recommended for all participants who are new to low vision.

    Adults 55 and older, in addition to adult clients of all ages being served by the California Department of Rehabilitation, are invited to participate in a virtual six-session course geared towards learning about their changes in vision. Participants will learn practical ways to maximize successful, independent living skills in work, school, and daily living environments.

    The virtual course is divided into six lessons over three weeks: a 2.5-hour introductory lesson with a Low Vision Optometrist, Social Worker, and two Certified Low Vision Therapists, followed by five, 2.5-hour lessons which will include practical skills taught by the Certified Low Vision Therapists.

    It is a comprehensive skills training distance course introducing participants to foundational low vision concepts, skills, and current technologies for maximizing successful, independent daily living skills. After the virtual six-session course, participants can expect to feel more confident in using their vision and making changes in their environment for independent daily living skills. Thereafter, participants can be eligible for individualized Low Vision Therapy lessons.

    The classes will be taught via Zoom Video Conferencing, best viewed on a tablet, laptop, or computer (phone is not recommended for participation in this course due to small screen size for viewing class materials and resource options) at the following dates and times (Pacific Standard Time):

    Week 1: Monday, October 11 and Wednesday, October 13 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 2: Monday, October 18 and Wednesday, October 20 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 3: Monday, October 25 and Wednesday, October 27 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    If you are not with the California Department of Rehabilitation, and if you are age 55 and older, living in the counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity, there may be partial scholarship funding for training and course materials. For adults working with the California Department of Rehabilitation, please contact your Rehabilitation Counselor directly to discuss participation and referral.

    Please RSVP by Monday, September 27 to receive class materials in time for the first class on Monday, October 11. To register please contact Debbie Bacon at 415-694-7357 or Certified Low Vision Therapist, Gina di Grazia at The class is limited to ten students; once the class limit is reached, all other students will be placed on a waitlist for the next available class (date TBA).

  • Get Moving

    Get Moving

    Oct 14

    Get Moving is a 4 week O&M training that consists of 8 separate classes, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays October 5 through 28 from 10 AM to 12 PM PST. This is a course that teaches foundational mobility skills and concepts for people with low vision and blindness. Each classes will be conducted by video or by phone using the Zoom Online Platform. Classes will be taught by Chris Williams and Danette Davis.

    To register for this course, please contact Chris Williams at Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 28.

  • White Cane Day Celebration with LightHouse & Mission: AstroAccess

    White Cane Day Celebration with LightHouse & Mission: AstroAccess

    Oct 15

    You are cordially invited to a LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired – San Francisco event: “Will There Be Space for White Canes in Space?"

    As part of the White Cane Awareness Day celebrations taking place around the world, LightHouse is hosting a discussion focusing on the future of travel with white canes.

    We are proud to present the first public seminar by the four people who are blind who have been selected as the first blind researchers into the accessibility of 0 gravity. These "AstroAccess Ambassadors" will experience weightlessness and carry out lunar gravity, Martian gravity, and zero gravity observations and experiments investigating how the physical environment aboard space vessels should be modified so that all astronauts and explorers, regardless of disability on Earth, can live, work, and thrive in space. They will be speaking to us from Long Beach, California, from where they will be undertaking this groundbreaking flight forty-eight hours later. Mission: AstroAccess, a nonprofit and volunteer task force is providing support for this flight, to which LightHouse is a proud contributor. One of the goals of this research is to explore what mobility and orientation will look like for blind astronauts in the future. Will our traditional white canes be a thing of the past? Or, will they morph into something like a Star Wars light saber?

    Come along and hear This handpicked team of blind ambassadors talk about their expectations of this first research flight, the access features that will be in place for the flight and their own White Cane wish-lists.

    We’d love you to come with your own ideas of how cane travel might evolve in the future, and your questions for this panel.

    What: Will There Be Space for White Canes in Space?
    Date: Friday October 15
    Time: 11.00 AM – 12.00 PM Pacific Time
    To RSVP: click this EventBrite link and sign up

    This interesting discussion will be taking place over Zoom.

    We look forward to celebrating White Cane Awareness Day 2021 with you!

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils

    Oct 15

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils
    Friday evenings @ 8:00 pm

    We all need an escape at times, and with the Real Escape Audio Description Club you can do just that with your blind and low vision friends. After a summer break and some adjustment to when our club gathers, we are excited announce our fall 2021 program options for the many ages of youth we work with. Starting on Friday, September 3rd, teens, and young adults will gather to watch the Netflix series, Daredevil, a TV series about a blind attorney by day and vigilante by night. Our weekly gathering will start at 8:00 pm Friday evenings, leaving plenty of time to watch that week’s episode and connect with your EHC and LightHouse friends.

    ***Parents Please Note*** – the Daredevil TV Series has adult content and is rated TV-MA and contains the following: crude indecent language (L), explicit sexual activity (S), and graphic violence (V). A more detailed parental guide can be found at - If any youth under the age of 18 wish to join this series, they must have a parent or guardian contact a LightHouse youth team member with written permission for their child to participate.

    Who: older teens and young adults that are blind or low vision
    What: audio description media club via Zoom
    When: Friday evenings @ 8:00 pm (Daredevil series for teens and young adults)
    Where: anywhere you can access a zoom meeting
    RSVP: Zoom meeting information will be shared with those that RSVP by 5:00 pm of the day before the program

    If you are interested in signing up for the Reel Escape Audio Description Club, please contact Jamey Gump by email at or by phone at (415) 694-7372.

  • Not So Bored Game Night

    Not So Bored Game Night

    Oct 16

    Each month students from the LightHouse Youth Program look forward to joining us for our all-ways fun Not so Bored Game Night series. Where youth get to connect with other blind and low vision peers over games such as trivia contests, scavenger hunts and other interactive games that will have youth laughing and making friends in no time. In addition to that month’s games LightHouse staff will invite a blind or low vision guest mentor that will join us for the fun and share insight to their education, career, and life story. Programs will be held on zoom are via zoom on the third Saturday of each month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm.

    Who: blind or low vision youth that are under the age of 18 or that have attended high school in the last year
    What: monthly game night and guest mentor spotlight via zoom
    When: Saturday evenings from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
    Where: anywhere you can access a zoom meeting
    RSVP: Zoom meeting information will be shared with those that RSVP by 5:00 pm of the day before the program
    Parents & Guardians: we’d love your help getting your children connected to our virtual program, however once they have joined, we ask that you please give them the space to participate individually.

    If you are interested in signing up for the Not so Bored Game Night, please contact Jamey Gump by email at or by phone at (415) 694-7372.

  • Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Oct 18

    The Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together course is composed of essential topics recommended for all participants who are new to low vision.

    Adults 55 and older, in addition to adult clients of all ages being served by the California Department of Rehabilitation, are invited to participate in a virtual six-session course geared towards learning about their changes in vision. Participants will learn practical ways to maximize successful, independent living skills in work, school, and daily living environments.

    The virtual course is divided into six lessons over three weeks: a 2.5-hour introductory lesson with a Low Vision Optometrist, Social Worker, and two Certified Low Vision Therapists, followed by five, 2.5-hour lessons which will include practical skills taught by the Certified Low Vision Therapists.

    It is a comprehensive skills training distance course introducing participants to foundational low vision concepts, skills, and current technologies for maximizing successful, independent daily living skills. After the virtual six-session course, participants can expect to feel more confident in using their vision and making changes in their environment for independent daily living skills. Thereafter, participants can be eligible for individualized Low Vision Therapy lessons.

    The classes will be taught via Zoom Video Conferencing, best viewed on a tablet, laptop, or computer (phone is not recommended for participation in this course due to small screen size for viewing class materials and resource options) at the following dates and times (Pacific Standard Time):

    Week 1: Monday, October 11 and Wednesday, October 13 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 2: Monday, October 18 and Wednesday, October 20 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 3: Monday, October 25 and Wednesday, October 27 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    If you are not with the California Department of Rehabilitation, and if you are age 55 and older, living in the counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity, there may be partial scholarship funding for training and course materials. For adults working with the California Department of Rehabilitation, please contact your Rehabilitation Counselor directly to discuss participation and referral.

    Please RSVP by Monday, September 27 to receive class materials in time for the first class on Monday, October 11. To register please contact Debbie Bacon at 415-694-7357 or Certified Low Vision Therapist, Gina di Grazia at The class is limited to ten students; once the class limit is reached, all other students will be placed on a waitlist for the next available class (date TBA).

  • Get Moving

    Get Moving

    Oct 19

    Get Moving is a 4 week O&M training that consists of 8 separate classes, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays October 5 through 28 from 10 AM to 12 PM PST. This is a course that teaches foundational mobility skills and concepts for people with low vision and blindness. Each classes will be conducted by video or by phone using the Zoom Online Platform. Classes will be taught by Chris Williams and Danette Davis.

    To register for this course, please contact Chris Williams at Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 28.

    Tech Together Online

    Tech Together Online

    Oct 19

    October 5: Smart Speakers: Setup and Basics
    If you're an access technology user, you likely spend lots of time listening to machines. Today, let's talk about talking to smart speakers. We'll cover setup and configuration of smart speakers featuring Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant, and share some ways all three can help you get things done.

    RSVP to Smart Speakers: Setup and Basics

    October 12: Smart Speakers: Next Steps
    After last week's introduction to Siri, Alexa and Google, let's take a deeper dive into each smart speaker’s skills. We'll share the tasks that each virtual assistant performs the best. All three have their strengths and struggle points, but which one will be the winner for you?

    RSVP to Smart Speakers: Next Steps

    October 19: Intro to Access Technology
    What is accessible technology and how do we learn to use it? If you, a friend or family member are a person who is new to blindness or having low vision, or new to using access technology tools, this event is for you.We’ll demonstrate how you can use mainstream tools like smartphones, voice assistants, and computers, as well as a few specialized gadgets for reading books and recording information at the touch of a button. We’ll talk about what services and resources are available for learning to use these tools, and we’ll give some tips for friends and family members who want to be supportive of the learning process.

    RSVP to Intro to Access Technology

    October 26: Meet the Access Technology Team
    Following our discussion in which we introduced access technology, let’s take a look at the people behind the machines. Each trainer will discuss their favorite device or software that they teach, their favorite productivity tool, and their favorite app for entertainment.

    RSVP to Meet the Access Technology Team

  • Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Oct 20

    The Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together course is composed of essential topics recommended for all participants who are new to low vision.

    Adults 55 and older, in addition to adult clients of all ages being served by the California Department of Rehabilitation, are invited to participate in a virtual six-session course geared towards learning about their changes in vision. Participants will learn practical ways to maximize successful, independent living skills in work, school, and daily living environments.

    The virtual course is divided into six lessons over three weeks: a 2.5-hour introductory lesson with a Low Vision Optometrist, Social Worker, and two Certified Low Vision Therapists, followed by five, 2.5-hour lessons which will include practical skills taught by the Certified Low Vision Therapists.

    It is a comprehensive skills training distance course introducing participants to foundational low vision concepts, skills, and current technologies for maximizing successful, independent daily living skills. After the virtual six-session course, participants can expect to feel more confident in using their vision and making changes in their environment for independent daily living skills. Thereafter, participants can be eligible for individualized Low Vision Therapy lessons.

    The classes will be taught via Zoom Video Conferencing, best viewed on a tablet, laptop, or computer (phone is not recommended for participation in this course due to small screen size for viewing class materials and resource options) at the following dates and times (Pacific Standard Time):

    Week 1: Monday, October 11 and Wednesday, October 13 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 2: Monday, October 18 and Wednesday, October 20 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 3: Monday, October 25 and Wednesday, October 27 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    If you are not with the California Department of Rehabilitation, and if you are age 55 and older, living in the counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity, there may be partial scholarship funding for training and course materials. For adults working with the California Department of Rehabilitation, please contact your Rehabilitation Counselor directly to discuss participation and referral.

    Please RSVP by Monday, September 27 to receive class materials in time for the first class on Monday, October 11. To register please contact Debbie Bacon at 415-694-7357 or Certified Low Vision Therapist, Gina di Grazia at The class is limited to ten students; once the class limit is reached, all other students will be placed on a waitlist for the next available class (date TBA).

  • Get Moving

    Get Moving

    Oct 21

    Get Moving is a 4 week O&M training that consists of 8 separate classes, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays October 5 through 28 from 10 AM to 12 PM PST. This is a course that teaches foundational mobility skills and concepts for people with low vision and blindness. Each classes will be conducted by video or by phone using the Zoom Online Platform. Classes will be taught by Chris Williams and Danette Davis.

    To register for this course, please contact Chris Williams at Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 28.

    Tecnología para Todos

    Tecnología para Todos

    Oct 21

    Únete a la reunión mensual del departamento de Tecnologías de Asistencia de LightHouse. Tecnología para Todos, es un espacio en donde los usuarios comparten sus conocimientos y experiencias. Cada mes conversamos sobre distintos servicios, aplicaciones y dispositivos disponibles para personas ciegas y con baja visión. ¡Te esperamos!

    Fecha: Octubre 7 y 21

    Hora: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, tiempo del pacífico.

    Este evento será programado en la plataforma Zoom. Podrá acceder a Zoom desde una computadora, dispositivo móvil, o marcando directamente desde cualquier teléfono. Recibirá los datos de la reunión de Zoom al confirmar su participación mediante correo electrónico a: o dejando un mensaje de voz al (415) 694-7323.

    Join the LightHouse’s monthly access Technology Spanish meeting. Tecnología para todos is a space where users share their knowledge and experience. Each month, we talk about services, applications, and devices available for blind and low vision users.

    When: October 7 and 21

    Time: 2 - 4 PM Pacific Time

    This event will be conducted using the Zoom platform. You can connect to Zoom using a computer, an app, or by dialing in from any phone. Zoom meeting details will be provided when you rsvp by email to: or by calling 415-694-7323.

  • Una Tarde con Julieta Fox

    Una Tarde con Julieta Fox

    Oct 22

    Una Tarde con Julieta Fox

    Cuándo: octubre 22, 2021, de 4:00 - 5:30 P.M.

    Dónde: por Zoom, plataforma virtual. Se puede unir usando una computadora, tableta, o Teléfono.

    Qué hay de nuevo en el Centro de Braille y Libros en Audio
    Sabían que por el servicio Nacional de librerías el TBBC produce 10 a 15 nuevos libros en audio cada semana? Acompañe bibliotecaria Julieta es de octubre para aprender más sobre este emocionante cambio, Y también todo lo Nuevo en su biblioteca NLS local. Julieta tendrá información sobre muchos temas incluyendo el método nuevo de más rápidamente mandar libros en audio a miembros del TBBC Y todos los programas nuevos en español. Adicionalmente, Julieta explicara el proceso para registrar este con el NLS, para que todos puedan disfrutar libros en audio, libros en Braille, o materiales para instrucción y disfrutamiento de música.

    Aparte de Libros, Julieta explicar a todos los otros servicios que él te BBC ofrece, incluyendo computadoras accesibles, formas de leer correo en español, boletos para museos, música y películas en español, Y hasta un programa de libros por correo que lleva materiales accesibles a personas en San Francisco que no pueden ir a la librería pública de San Francisco por su discapacidad. después de la presentación, Habrá tiempo para que Julieta conteste sus preguntas.

    Para registrarse, contacten a Esmeralda Soto por correo electrónico o teléfono: o 415–6 94–7323

    Una Tarde con Julieta Fox (an Evening with Julieta Fox)

    When: October 22, 2021 from 4:00 – 5:30 PM

    Where: Zoom. You can use a computer, tablet, or phone to join.

    What’s New at the Talking Books and Braille Center
    Did you know that through the National Library Service, the TBBC is adding 10 to 15 titles in Spanish to its collection of talking books every week? Join Librarian Julieta at the October meeting to learn about this exciting change, as well as all the latest happenings going on at your friendly neighborhood NLS library. From TBBC’s faster way of delivering books to its new Spanish-language programs, Julieta will have lots of good and useful information to share. Also, if you have not signed up for library service, Julieta will explain the application process so that you can start enjoying audiobooks, books in braille or music instruction and appreciation materials as soon as possible.

    Importantly though, the TBBC is more than just books, Julieta will also highlight the many other free resources and services at your disposal. As a part of the San Francisco Public Library, the TBBC is proud to offer accessible computer workstations, a scanner that can read your mail in Spanish, museum passes, Spanish-language music and movies, and even a Library by Mail program which delivers large print and other materials to SF residents whose disability prevents them from visiting the library. After her presentation, Julieta will answer questions from the audience.

    To RSVP contact Esmeralda Soto by email or phone at: or 415–6 94–7323

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils

    Oct 22

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils
    Friday evenings @ 8:00 pm

    We all need an escape at times, and with the Real Escape Audio Description Club you can do just that with your blind and low vision friends. After a summer break and some adjustment to when our club gathers, we are excited announce our fall 2021 program options for the many ages of youth we work with. Starting on Friday, September 3rd, teens, and young adults will gather to watch the Netflix series, Daredevil, a TV series about a blind attorney by day and vigilante by night. Our weekly gathering will start at 8:00 pm Friday evenings, leaving plenty of time to watch that week’s episode and connect with your EHC and LightHouse friends.

    ***Parents Please Note*** – the Daredevil TV Series has adult content and is rated TV-MA and contains the following: crude indecent language (L), explicit sexual activity (S), and graphic violence (V). A more detailed parental guide can be found at - If any youth under the age of 18 wish to join this series, they must have a parent or guardian contact a LightHouse youth team member with written permission for their child to participate.

    Who: older teens and young adults that are blind or low vision
    What: audio description media club via Zoom
    When: Friday evenings @ 8:00 pm (Daredevil series for teens and young adults)
    Where: anywhere you can access a zoom meeting
    RSVP: Zoom meeting information will be shared with those that RSVP by 5:00 pm of the day before the program

    If you are interested in signing up for the Reel Escape Audio Description Club, please contact Jamey Gump by email at or by phone at (415) 694-7372.

  • Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Oct 25

    The Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together course is composed of essential topics recommended for all participants who are new to low vision.

    Adults 55 and older, in addition to adult clients of all ages being served by the California Department of Rehabilitation, are invited to participate in a virtual six-session course geared towards learning about their changes in vision. Participants will learn practical ways to maximize successful, independent living skills in work, school, and daily living environments.

    The virtual course is divided into six lessons over three weeks: a 2.5-hour introductory lesson with a Low Vision Optometrist, Social Worker, and two Certified Low Vision Therapists, followed by five, 2.5-hour lessons which will include practical skills taught by the Certified Low Vision Therapists.

    It is a comprehensive skills training distance course introducing participants to foundational low vision concepts, skills, and current technologies for maximizing successful, independent daily living skills. After the virtual six-session course, participants can expect to feel more confident in using their vision and making changes in their environment for independent daily living skills. Thereafter, participants can be eligible for individualized Low Vision Therapy lessons.

    The classes will be taught via Zoom Video Conferencing, best viewed on a tablet, laptop, or computer (phone is not recommended for participation in this course due to small screen size for viewing class materials and resource options) at the following dates and times (Pacific Standard Time):

    Week 1: Monday, October 11 and Wednesday, October 13 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 2: Monday, October 18 and Wednesday, October 20 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 3: Monday, October 25 and Wednesday, October 27 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    If you are not with the California Department of Rehabilitation, and if you are age 55 and older, living in the counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity, there may be partial scholarship funding for training and course materials. For adults working with the California Department of Rehabilitation, please contact your Rehabilitation Counselor directly to discuss participation and referral.

    Please RSVP by Monday, September 27 to receive class materials in time for the first class on Monday, October 11. To register please contact Debbie Bacon at 415-694-7357 or Certified Low Vision Therapist, Gina di Grazia at The class is limited to ten students; once the class limit is reached, all other students will be placed on a waitlist for the next available class (date TBA).

  • Get Moving

    Get Moving

    Oct 26

    Get Moving is a 4 week O&M training that consists of 8 separate classes, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays October 5 through 28 from 10 AM to 12 PM PST. This is a course that teaches foundational mobility skills and concepts for people with low vision and blindness. Each classes will be conducted by video or by phone using the Zoom Online Platform. Classes will be taught by Chris Williams and Danette Davis.

    To register for this course, please contact Chris Williams at Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 28.

    Tech Together Online

    Tech Together Online

    Oct 26

    October 5: Smart Speakers: Setup and Basics
    If you're an access technology user, you likely spend lots of time listening to machines. Today, let's talk about talking to smart speakers. We'll cover setup and configuration of smart speakers featuring Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant, and share some ways all three can help you get things done.

    RSVP to Smart Speakers: Setup and Basics

    October 12: Smart Speakers: Next Steps
    After last week's introduction to Siri, Alexa and Google, let's take a deeper dive into each smart speaker’s skills. We'll share the tasks that each virtual assistant performs the best. All three have their strengths and struggle points, but which one will be the winner for you?

    RSVP to Smart Speakers: Next Steps

    October 19: Intro to Access Technology
    What is accessible technology and how do we learn to use it? If you, a friend or family member are a person who is new to blindness or having low vision, or new to using access technology tools, this event is for you.We’ll demonstrate how you can use mainstream tools like smartphones, voice assistants, and computers, as well as a few specialized gadgets for reading books and recording information at the touch of a button. We’ll talk about what services and resources are available for learning to use these tools, and we’ll give some tips for friends and family members who want to be supportive of the learning process.

    RSVP to Intro to Access Technology

    October 26: Meet the Access Technology Team
    Following our discussion in which we introduced access technology, let’s take a look at the people behind the machines. Each trainer will discuss their favorite device or software that they teach, their favorite productivity tool, and their favorite app for entertainment.

    RSVP to Meet the Access Technology Team

  • Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together

    Oct 27

    The Low Vision Skills: Putting It All Together course is composed of essential topics recommended for all participants who are new to low vision.

    Adults 55 and older, in addition to adult clients of all ages being served by the California Department of Rehabilitation, are invited to participate in a virtual six-session course geared towards learning about their changes in vision. Participants will learn practical ways to maximize successful, independent living skills in work, school, and daily living environments.

    The virtual course is divided into six lessons over three weeks: a 2.5-hour introductory lesson with a Low Vision Optometrist, Social Worker, and two Certified Low Vision Therapists, followed by five, 2.5-hour lessons which will include practical skills taught by the Certified Low Vision Therapists.

    It is a comprehensive skills training distance course introducing participants to foundational low vision concepts, skills, and current technologies for maximizing successful, independent daily living skills. After the virtual six-session course, participants can expect to feel more confident in using their vision and making changes in their environment for independent daily living skills. Thereafter, participants can be eligible for individualized Low Vision Therapy lessons.

    The classes will be taught via Zoom Video Conferencing, best viewed on a tablet, laptop, or computer (phone is not recommended for participation in this course due to small screen size for viewing class materials and resource options) at the following dates and times (Pacific Standard Time):

    Week 1: Monday, October 11 and Wednesday, October 13 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 2: Monday, October 18 and Wednesday, October 20 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    Week 3: Monday, October 25 and Wednesday, October 27 – 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

    If you are not with the California Department of Rehabilitation, and if you are age 55 and older, living in the counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity, there may be partial scholarship funding for training and course materials. For adults working with the California Department of Rehabilitation, please contact your Rehabilitation Counselor directly to discuss participation and referral.

    Please RSVP by Monday, September 27 to receive class materials in time for the first class on Monday, October 11. To register please contact Debbie Bacon at 415-694-7357 or Certified Low Vision Therapist, Gina di Grazia at The class is limited to ten students; once the class limit is reached, all other students will be placed on a waitlist for the next available class (date TBA).

  • Get Moving

    Get Moving

    Oct 28

    Get Moving is a 4 week O&M training that consists of 8 separate classes, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays October 5 through 28 from 10 AM to 12 PM PST. This is a course that teaches foundational mobility skills and concepts for people with low vision and blindness. Each classes will be conducted by video or by phone using the Zoom Online Platform. Classes will be taught by Chris Williams and Danette Davis.

    To register for this course, please contact Chris Williams at Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 28.

  • Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils

    Oct 29

    Reel Escape Audio Description Club: Friday Evening Daredevils
    Friday evenings @ 8:00 pm

    We all need an escape at times, and with the Real Escape Audio Description Club you can do just that with your blind and low vision friends. After a summer break and some adjustment to when our club gathers, we are excited announce our fall 2021 program options for the many ages of youth we work with. Starting on Friday, September 3rd, teens, and young adults will gather to watch the Netflix series, Daredevil, a TV series about a blind attorney by day and vigilante by night. Our weekly gathering will start at 8:00 pm Friday evenings, leaving plenty of time to watch that week’s episode and connect with your EHC and LightHouse friends.

    ***Parents Please Note*** – the Daredevil TV Series has adult content and is rated TV-MA and contains the following: crude indecent language (L), explicit sexual activity (S), and graphic violence (V). A more detailed parental guide can be found at - If any youth under the age of 18 wish to join this series, they must have a parent or guardian contact a LightHouse youth team member with written permission for their child to participate.

    Who: older teens and young adults that are blind or low vision
    What: audio description media club via Zoom
    When: Friday evenings @ 8:00 pm (Daredevil series for teens and young adults)
    Where: anywhere you can access a zoom meeting
    RSVP: Zoom meeting information will be shared with those that RSVP by 5:00 pm of the day before the program

    If you are interested in signing up for the Reel Escape Audio Description Club, please contact Jamey Gump by email at or by phone at (415) 694-7372.

The events for the upcoming week are read aloud on our event hotline every Friday, which can be accessed by calling 415-694-7325. For more information about visiting the Adaptations Store, head to our shop page.

The LightHouse is scent-free. Please abstain from wearing colognes, perfumes, or other scented products. Additionally, coffee must be securely lidded at all times and citrus should not be peeled on the premises. Thanks for supporting our efforts to respect chemical sensitivities!

SDS safety dataClick here for our cleaning product safety data sheets (SDS) and ingredient information.