
LightHouse will be closed on Wednesday, September 25 for an agency-wide all-staff event.

The week's events

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Oct 25
Oct 26
Oct 27(1 event)

7:00 pm: Not So Bored Game Night (online)

Oct 27

Each week students from the Lighthouse Youth Program gather for our virtual Not So Bored Game Night. A weekly evening of fun and games for Blind and low vision youth from all over. Games start at 7:00 pm on Tuesday evenings and will include trivia contests, scavenger hunts and other interactive games that will have youth making friends. In addition, the LightHouse staff each week’s games will be led by a guest mentor that will also share insight into their education, career and life as a person who is blind or has low vision.

Who: students under 18 that are blind or have low vision
What: weekly game night and guest mentor spotlight via zoom When: Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: Anywhere you can access a Zoom meeting
RSVP: Zoom meeting information will be shared with those that RSVP by 5:00 pm of the day before the program
Parents & Guardians: we’d love your help getting your children connected to our virtual program, however, once they have joined, we ask that you please give them the space to participate individually.

If you are interested in signing up for the Not So Bored Game Night, please contact Jamey Gump by email at or by phone at 415-694-7372.

Oct 28
Oct 29(1 event)

4:00 pm: Reel Escape: Audio-Described Movie Club

Oct 29

To help you break up the routine and escape for some fun, join your friends for our weekly Reel Escape Audio Description Movie Club. This weekly remote social gathering of blind and low vision youth takes place over zoom on Thursday afternoons at 4:00 pm. Films will be family-friendly and have audio descriptions enabled. Join us each week to help choose future films. Past films have included: Toy Story, Frozen, Inside out, Minions, Lion King and many other classics.

Who: Students under 18 that are Blind or have Low Vision
What: Audio Description Movie Club via Zoom
When: Thursday afternoons @ 4:00 pm Where: anywhere you can access a zoom meeting
RSVP: Zoom meeting information will be shared with those that RSVP by 5:00 pm of the day before the program

Parents & Guardians, we’d love your help getting your children connected to our virtual program, however, once they have joined, we ask that you please give them the space to participate individually.

If you are interested in signing up for the Reel Escape Audio Description Movie Club, please contact Jamey Gump by email at or by phone at 415-694-7372.

Oct 30(1 event)

7:00 pm: En Comunidad (In Community)

Oct 30

En Comunidad

Cuándo: Octubre 30, 2020 de 7:00 PM a 8:00 PM

Dónde: Zoom, plataforma virtual (en cualquier lugar se puede acceder a alguna reunión de Zoom. Puede unirse usando su teléfono, tableta, o computadora. La información de Zoomserá compartida con los que se registren antes del evento.)

Quen: Familias de estudiantes ciegos o con baja visión de 14 a 22 años de edad

Que: Todos son bienvenidos! En comunidad es un programa diseñado para traer recursos e información relevante a estudiantes y sus familias, en español. Vengan a aprender, hacer preguntas, A construir comunidades con otras familias de estudiantes ciegos o con baja visión, y A conocer mentores.

Ha estado en busca de nuevas estrategias para cocinar, limpiar, y organizar? Quiere aprender más sobre los centros de aprendizaje para jóvenes ciegos y de baja vista? Entonces traigan a sus preguntas y a sus familias, y acompáñenos en octubre para nuestra siguiente reunión de En Comunidad, dónde nos uniremos por una hora, aprendiendo y conectando con otros.

Para preguntas o para reservar, por favor de contactar a Daisy Soto a:, (805)657-7138.

* Aceptamos donaciones*


En Comunidad (In Community)

When: October 30, 2020, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Where: Via Zoom (Zoom can be accessed almost anywhere. Join us by using your phone, tablet, or computer. Zoom information will be shared prior to the event with those who RSVP.)

Who: Families of youth ages 14-22 and their blind and low vision child or student.

What: All are welcome! En Comunidad is a program designed to bring students and their families valuable resources and relevant information, in Spanish. Come to learn, ask questions, build connections with fellow families of blind and low vision students, and meet blind mentors!

Have you been looking for some good cooking, cleaning, or organizing strategies? Do you want to learn a little more about living skills blindness centers? Then bring your families, your questions, and join us for our second installment of En Comunidad, and spend an hour learning and connecting with others.

For any questions and to RSVP, please contact Daisy Soto at: or 805-657-7138.

*Donations Encouraged*

Oct 31

The events for the upcoming week are read aloud on our event hotline every Friday, which can be accessed by calling 415-694-7325. For more information about visiting the Adaptations Store, head to our shop page.

The LightHouse is scent-free. Please abstain from wearing colognes, perfumes, or other scented products. Additionally, coffee must be securely lidded at all times and citrus should not be peeled on the premises. Thanks for supporting our efforts to respect chemical sensitivities!

SDS safety dataClick here for our cleaning product safety data sheets (SDS) and ingredient information.