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Grand Opening 2016

Thank You to Our Community Partners

Thank You to Our Community Partners

Photo: Student and volunteer Dennis O’Hanlon tells the story of how the LightHouse assisted him in his journey back to work during the LightHouse Grand Opening Donor Event.

The LightHouse wishes to thank its devoted friends and community partners who have recently shown their support by providing significant funds to help our programs go further and reach higher:

Delong-Sweet Family Foundation – for Enchanted Hills Camp
Disability Communications Fund – for Technology Training
Robert Foster – for Enchanted Hills Camp
Patricia Heim and Sergius Lashutka – for Enchanted Hills Camp
Jerry Kuns and Theresa Postello – for Enchanted Hills Camp
Marco A. Vidal Fund – for general operating support – LightHouse of Marin
Jane and Robert Micks – for general operating support – LightHouse North Coast
Mutual of America – for the Campaign for a 21st Century LightHouse
Susan O’Sullivan – for the Campaign for a 21st Century LightHouse
The Palisades Educational Foundation – for general operating support
Fred Ruhland – for the Campaign for a 21st Century LightHouse
Frederic and Kristine Silva – for the Campaign for a 21st Century LightHouse
Todd Stevenot and Anne Sandbach – for the Campaign for a 21st Century LightHouse
Telecare Corporation – for Superfest International Disability Film Festival
Wells Fargo – for sponsorship for our Grand Opening Celebration and for Employment Immersion
Workday Foundation – for Enchanted Hills Camp

#BeSeenSF: Why We’re Taking Over the Streets on Friday

#BeSeenSF: Why We’re Taking Over the Streets on Friday

When you step into the street, whether it’s to represent a cause, celebrate an achievement or just to get where you’re going, you make a statement: I want to be seen.

In the blindness community, we’re used to being looked at. What’s different, though, is choosing to be seen; claiming agency over the spectacle, and making it your own.

On Friday, June 10, the entire LightHouse community is going to depart from the patterns of our daily routines and take over the streets, marching from City Hall, down Van Ness Avenue, onto Market Street, and to a ribbon-cutting and party at our new headquarters, We are in center of San Francisco to make a ruckus, to make a statement, to challenge the idea of business as usual, and encourage our community to think differently about those with different types of vision. Contrary to what you may think, we are blind and proud of it, and we want to be seen in celebration.

This is a parade for people with all types of vision; and we’d love nothing more than to have people who have never met us before filling out our ranks. So tomorrow, Friday June 10 at 11 a.m. sharp, meet us on the Polk Street steps of city hall. It will be a memorable day to set up the blindness community for the next 114 years in downtown San Francisco.

RSVP to join our June 10th Parade and Open House: aogarrio@lighthouse-sf.org.

Blind and Proud: March With Us on June 10th

Grand Opening Logo

Whether you’re a student, supporter, or just curious to see hundreds of blind people shutting down the streets, this is an occasion not to be missed: Meet us on the east steps (Polk Street side) of City Hall at 11 a.m. on June 10th and join in this historic San Francisco event.

Our June 10th Grand Opening Celebration will be a civic event, starting with VIP speakers on the steps of City Hall, followed by a “Blind & Proud” Parade with fanfare down Van Ness and Market Street to our new headquarters at 1155 Market. There we will have a ribbon cutting and an open house reception, showcasing our new facilities with interactive activities and demonstrations.

Please March With Us!

Our Grand Opening events will be a great San Francisco occasion with hundreds in attendance and thousands more to witness as the LightHouse expands our mission to give people who are blind or have low vision the tools and community they need to live their lives as they desire.

We would love for you to join us in our march from City Hall to the new LightHouse. Our “Blind & Proud” Parade will begin after our welcome on the steps of City Hall, and proceed down Van Ness and Market Streets, right in the heart of San Francisco. We would love our allies and supporters to bring a group and help us to create some fanfare as we make our way to our new home. We have a big marching band to lead the way and help tell our neighbors, loud and clear, that the blindness community has cause to celebrate.

To RSVP, please contact Andrea Ogarrio at aogarrio@lighthouse-sf.org or 415.694.7365. For more information about the days festivities, or to secure a spot in the parade for your group or organization, please email Grand Opening coordinator Megara Vogl at mvogl@lighthouse-sf.org.