Sep 13
New semester schedules, conflicting assignment deadlines and extracurricular activities, and time with friends – how do you find balance? Join us this September to talk all about it with your College Spaces peers. We want to share our advice and hear yours as well, so come with some good questions, thoughts, or stories to share— we want to hear it all!
College Spaces from Different Places is a peer-led student organization which cultivates connections and community for all undergraduate college students. College Spaces from Different Places is a group designed by and for low vision and blind students to have fun, build community, and share in our struggles and accomplishments. Many undergrads are currently missing out on forming social connections on their own college campus. Therefore, joining College Spaces from Different Places will give you an opportunity to come together with others from across the state. Leave your books and syllabi behind and join us!
What: Virtual gathering of blind and low-vision undergraduate college students.
When: Tuesday September 13, from 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Where: via Zoom
RSVP: Please contact Daisy Soto at dsoto@LightHouse-sf.org or 415-694-7328. Please RSVP by Friday September 9 to ensure you receive the Zoom link!
NOTE: The Zoom link to join will be distributed the morning of the meetup. All blind and low vision college students are welcome, and you DO NOT need any authorizations from the DOR to join.