Dec 1

Stress Reduction & Meditation (online)

Stress Reduction & Meditation (online)

Nov 30

Each Wednesday morning we offer a series of short, meditation-based practices for relaxation and stress reduction. The group is appropriate for both beginners and advanced practitioners and instruction is provided in all aspects of the practice. Instructor Jeffrey Schneider has more than 40 years of meditation and teaching experience. It is a virtual class using the Zoom platform—everyone is welcome as little or often as they like. Dial in, find a comfortable position, breathe deeply, clear your head, and de-stress.

RSVP to Sabrina Bolus at or 415-694-7607.

Gratitude Vibes (online)

Gratitude Vibes (online)

Nov 30

Gratitude-VIBES are Visually Impaired Blind Energizing Sessions. Gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. In this solutions-based support, gather online and share what you feel grateful for in a safe and welcoming space. Hear what others share as well. These mid-week sessions can help you feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve your health, deal with adversity and build strong relationships.

Previous sessions included demonstrations of poetry, music, drumming, visualization, Chinese and Japanese calligraphy, self-care, and forgiveness. These are followed by individual check-ins.

RSVP to Sabrina Bolus at or 415-694-7607.


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