Tech Together Online: Siri Says

Tech Together Online: Siri Says

Oct 27

Join the LightHouse Access Technology team for a series of informal conversations on technology topics relevant to these current times. Tech Together is a chance to share your knowledge and experience, as well as learn from other blind technology users. LightHouse Access Technology staff share tips and resources on each week’s topic. Then there is time for LightHouse students and friends to add to the conversation, as we all learn from each other.

Topics are decided on a rolling basis as our community’s needs evolve during shelter in place.

October 6: The Wonder of Web Browsers
Web browsers are the software your computer and phone use to access web pages. Does it matter which web browser you use? What features of web browsers are important for those of us using access technology? What web browser features can help keep our information private when we go online? We’ll answer these questions and more.

October 13: What’s New in iOS 14
We’ll highlight what is new and what has changed in Apple’s latest operating system for iPhone users.

October 20: Victor Voyages
The Humanware Victor Stream and Victor Trek are popular tools for reading, recording, and accessing information. We’ll take a deep dive in to the features of these devices. If you have a Victor or are just wondering why that name is so often mentioned, this Tech Together is for you.

October 27: Siri Says
To round out our recent coverage of voice assistants, we’ll discuss the many things Siri can do, on both the iPhone and the Home Pod speaker

Join us for one or all these conversations. RSVP to or leave a voicemail at 415-694-7343.

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