Title: Pentagon 9/11 Layout
Note: For this week you chose the location of the different branches of the military in the Pentagon. We found it very difficult to find a verifiable graphic of that. We have found for you this week a graphic showing the impact of Flight 77.
Image Description: Illustration of the Pentagon with interior courtyard, showing rings and corridors, as well as flight 77 area of impact. Dashed lines represent rings and solid lines represent corridors. There are 5 concentric rings of hallways and rooms, labeled A through E, with the innermost and outermost providing access to interior points on all floors. 10 corridors, labeled by number, radiate from the interior corners to exterior sides. Impact damage area, including corridors 3-6, is shown with a filled texture.
ZIP folder contains files for producing tactile graphics on 8.5 x 11-inch paper, portrait:
- PRNs for ViewPlus Columbia / Delta, APH PixBlaster, IRIE BrailleTrac / BrailleSheet;
- PDFs for Swell, Microcapsule or PIAF;
- Reference PDFs with corresponding large print text (not for tactile production).
Printing Instructions and Supported Embossers
How to unzip/uncompress: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, MacOS.
Source: 10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Pentagon, US Department of Defense.
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