“Double Stopping” is Muni’s Newest Rush-hour Remedy

civic center station

Muni riders take note: Starting Sunday, you’re going to need to know what Double Stopping is. Basically, sometimes druing rush hour, two trains will arrive instead of one at major Muni hubs. The key takeaway here is not to rush wildly back across the platform in order to get on the second train: Just wait at the front boarding area and once Train 1 leaves, Train 2 will pull further up so you can board. The new protocol, which will start May 24 for many trains heading downtown, is designed to help people get around faster and not miss trains. Now let’s hope it works!

It’s important to note that at Civic, Montgomery and Powell Stations, this means the “boarding area” for Muni trains is going to move — about the length of one train car — in the direction of travel. So don’t be confused if your train now boards about 75 feet ahead of where it normally stops.

More from the SFMTA:

What is Double Stopping?
Double Stopping is a new feature which will allow passengers headed Downtown to get to their destinations faster during periods of heavy congestion in the subway.

How Does Double Stopping Work?
When two trains arrive at the same time: Double stopping allows two trains to stop at a platform and open their doors at the same time. Train 1 will pull into the front of the platform to let customers on and off. All trains will stop at this new boarding location. Train 2 will pull in behind Train 1, allowing customers to get off the train immediately. As Train 1 leaves the station, Train 2 pulls forward to allow customers to board. All Trains will stop at the new boarding location, for your safety, board your train when it pulls up to the new boarding location. Do not run the length of the platform to catch the second train. It will stop again at the new boarding location.

Where Will It Happen?
Double stopping is planned for inbound trains at Montgomery, Powell and Civic Center stations where platforms are long enough to allow two trains.  This feature will only occur at times of heavy congestion, most likely during your morning and evening commute. 

For more information, visit www.sfmta.com or contact 311.

For questions or concerns, contact Project Manager Kenny Ngan at 415.701.5487 or via email Kenny.ngan@sfmta.com